Finals day started out with rain but as the first three games got underway the sun came out, the visitors and members arrived and a good time was had by all. Tea and biscuits were served and lunch time saw Del arrive with his bacon rolls which were greatly enjoyed by those lucky enough to have been there at the time (thank you Del). After lunch another three games were played again with lots of spectators both visitors and members. Due to time constraints the last match was played on Sunday morning.

Once the Saturday matches were completed we all went inside for the presentation of the trophies, followed by a bring and share tea, which also included a celebration of one of our members, Bill Osborne 90th birthday. We had a delicious birthday cake and some bubbly with which to toast him in his absence.

Match results

Mens singles Winner- Ron Hand Runner up- Graham Stevens

Ladies Singles Winner- Melinda Sprigge Runner up-Gail Reed

Yardstick Winner- John Matthews Runner up- Colin Macleod

2 Woods Winner- John Matthews Runner up- David Percival

Ultimus Winner- Terry Metcalf Runner up- Jim Condor

Pairs Winners- John Matthews and Dick Berry Runners up- Colin Macleod and Del Woolf

Handicap Winner- Roger Mahoney Runner up- John Mathews

Congratulations to all the competitors and thank you to all those who worked so hard behind the scenes organizing games, preparing tea, cutting the green and trimming hedges etc because without you finals day could not happen.