We are a friendly local outdoor bowls club situated in Knebworth, Hertfordshire. Lawn bowls is a gentle sport and suitable for everyone of all ages and abilities. Whether you are an established player or just keen to have a go, whatever your ability you will be made very welcome here at Knebworth.
We have a range of fixtures and competitions from roll ups, midweek and weekend league and friendly matches against other clubs as well as in-house games and competitions. You are most welcome to come and see us in action at any of our home matches (see fixture section for times and dates). If you would like further information you can telephone our Captain David Percival on 01438 813073 or E mail our Secretary Melinda Sprigge at kbcsecretary1@gmail.com
We also have fund-raising and social events throughout the year. Examples of these are bring and buy, Captain V President match at the beginning of the season, Christmas lunch, regular coffee mornings out of season and finals day. We also provide coffee and tea for the fortnightly health walkers after their walk which is much appreciated.
If you want to get more involved there are lots of things we always need help with such as helping with teas on match days, general upkeep of the green and its surrounding area. Everyone is always welcome.